Monstrous Cryptids
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This page contain photographs and artworks of some mysterious and obscure real-life cryptids ( accentuated by the original photographs ).

The Hook Island Sea Monster ( photograph by Robert Le Serrac )

The photograph was taken by Robert Le Serrac during a vacation with his family and a friend. They supposedly encountered this serpentine cryptid in Stonehaven Bay, Hook Island, Queensland on the 12th December of 1964. It was Le Serrec’s wife who first spotted a strange creature on the lagoon floor. It proved to be a gigantic tadpole-like creature, estimated to be about 80 feet long.


The creature stayed motionless for quite a while, hence the group thought they had stumbled on a carcass of a sea serpent. After snapping several still photographs, the men decided to approach it for a closer examination. As they waded closer to the creature, it probably got startled and immediately swam away. Leaving Le Serrac with just the few photographs to prove the existence of the Hook Island Sea Monster.

The highly reproduced print of The Ozenkadnook Tiger ( Original photograph by Rilla Martin )

The photo in black and white depicts a large, seemingly dark-bodied, white-striped mystery beast hastily snapped during 1964 by Melbourne-based Rilla Martin while holidaying in Victoria. The photo thought to depict a large mystery marsupial that doesn’t match any species known to science. The photograph was taken using a box Brownie camera near Goroke, western Victoria in Australia.

A famous Spanish Architect name Antoni Gaudi once said that there are no straight lines or sharp corners in nature; base on this premise, it would be extremely difficult to find more than one, especially perfectly straight lines in nature.  Scrutinizing the details on the only available photo, the straight lines come in two pieces of unidentified structures; possibly an artificial support bar, suggesting that it could be a cardboard cut-out fashioned to look like the marsupial cryptid that is being propped up. Beneath the left hind limb is what looks like a metallic reflective structure, probably intentionally demarcated from the surroundings and with alternating dark and light bands. A close-up of the relevant part of the photo, also revealed another dubious structure right in between the two front legs. There is even no attempt to hide the frontal support structure as if you zoom in close enough, there seems to be a pin or rivet holding the suspected cut-out. The fact that the creature is so hard to interpret does also suggest the possibility of a hoax.

Parque Forrestal Diminutive Extraterrestrial ( Photograph taken by Germán Pereira )

One breezy afternoon on 10 May in 2004 , the sky was overcast and about to rain any moment. Civil engineer, Germán Pereira decided to snap a picture of two Police officers patrolling on Horses at Parque Forestal in Santiago, Chile.  Pereira has adjusted his digital camera to a slower speed due to the greyish sky and as he did not had a tripod that day, he maintained his focus on the two mounted patrolling officers, all this time he was unaware that he had accidentally captured a dimunitive humanoid creature.

The photograph turned out to be grainy and blurry as Pereira had also employed the optical zoom as he was a distant away, resulting in the overall poor quality of the image. Interestingly the photograph taken was rather geared towards capturing the drills of police officers on horseback rather then the deliberate intention of capturing the small humanoid creature.  Upon closer inspection, the picture showed an unusual looking impish creature with a relatively large head in proportion to its body.  It has a grayish color textured skin & skinny limbs. However the creature seems to be casually strolling through the two Carabineros (Chilean state police on horseback)seemingly not noticing that its being captured on camera.  Pereira also attested to the fact that it is not a fraud nor anything of such tendency.

The Ilkley Moor Alien

The two things that differentiate this incident from any other UFO sightings is that the witness was a police officer which lends creditability to this case, and then there is this single photograph of a little green man seen at the moors. The witness was a policeman under the pseudonym Philip Spencer. 

The picture Spencer had taken was developed and analysed by experts – all of which agreed that at the very least the photograph itself was not tampered with. Though the photograph that Spencer took of the creature on the moor was very grainy and blurry,it is still quite evident that there is some type of extraterrestrial being present which basically resembled the small grey alien commonly seen in most UFO abduction cases. The alien was determined to be about 4 foot tall, having a blue-green tint to its skin, long slender arms that seems to drop below the knees and short legs. It had three-fingered hands and V-shaped feet with two huge toes, enormous eyes, a slit mouth and a bulbous head. An analysis of the photograph was done by Kodak laboratories in Hemel, Hempstead. Analysis of the images concluded the figure hadn’t been superimposed and it bore no resemblance to any native wildlife. They concluded that the object was indeed part of the original shot, and not added later. 

Spencer made no money out of the photographs and the incident is regularly cited as one of the UK’s most convincing UFO sightings.